Jackie Hunt Talk - Turn End's Gardener
Jackie Hunt Talk - Turn End's Gardener
Jackie Hunt has been Turn End's Gardener since 2010.
In this lecture Jackie takes us on a tour of the garden throughout the calendar year.
Jackie starts by explaining the geology of the area and a brief history of why Margaret and Peter Aldington chose this site to built their own home and garden, Turn End, here in the village of Haddenham.
The site was formerly the garden of a large family house, which was built at the start of the 20th Century. When the Aldington’s purchased the garden in the early 1960s it included number of mature trees, remains of an orchard, a coach house and stable and ancient wichert walls.
Over time, they purchased additional small areas to make the garden about half acre in size today, comprising several garden 'rooms' each with a different character and planting style.
Jackie introduces each area and then explains the horticultural activities she and her small team undertake in each season. Jackie also introduces a selection of plants of interest in each season.After the lecture Jackie discusses questions from the audience with Turn End Trustee Sophie Blagden.
Thank you to the Finnis Scott Foundation and The Rothschild Foundation for generous funding to enable Turn End Trust's digital programme and to James Ussher and Silverbox Studios for technical support.
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